Position Statement
On the Report on the Implementation of the Federal Government’s guidelines “Preventing Crises, Resolving Conflicts, Building Peace”
The Advisory Board has been supporting the implementation of projects connected with civilian crisis prevention and peacebuilding since 2005 and is taking the present Federal Government interim report as an opportunity to comment on the implementation status of the guidelines by providing a position statement, and to offer recommendations on where the priorities should be over the next few years. The position statement is available in German language.
Content of the Position Statement
The position statement sets out recommendations for action in the following areas:
- Improve the recording of impact
- Increase the coherence of, and attach greater value to, prevention as a comprehensive approach
- Develop an expansion plan for financial and personnel capacities in civilian crisis prevention and peacebuilding
- Place more emphasis on the implementation of the three interministerial sector strategies
The position statement is available to download here: