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Former member

Thomas Kuller

Manager of the Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt)

© Konstantin Börner
Thomas Kuller is Manager of the Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt). He was appointed as its representive into the Advisory Board in July 2022.

Thomas Kuller had been leading FriEnt since March 2022. Previously, he worked for MISEREOR in press work, as a Country Desk Officer and as an Officer for peacebuilding and conflict transformation. He is a certified peace and conflict consultant and was active in research and teaching at the University of Bonn and at RWTH Aachen University.

FriEnt is a network of governmental organisations, church-based development agencies, political foundations and civil society coalitions. Its aim is to strengthen the field of crisis prevention and peacebuilding by advancing approaches and strategies, cross-sectoral dialogue, consulting and networking.